High School Youth Group
At St. Michael’s our heart is set to see our Youth step into all that God has for them. St. Michael’s Youth Ministry is committed to creating an environment that is not only welcoming but also encourages students to learn from Christ and share Christ’s teachings. We encourage small group discussions, prayer, service, and fellowship. Our Youth meet weekly in the WhereHouse — where they are seen, heard, valued, and loved.
Meets in the WhereHouse from 7:00-8:30 pm on Monday Nights.
High School Youth Group is open to all students in 9th-12th grade.
There is no sacrament requirement to participate.
To register or for more information, email valerier@stmichael-aurora.org
For the latest event notifications, please sign up for our Flocknote by clicking the button below! This sends reminders straight to your e-mail or phone. Calendars are sent at the top of the month every month, and weekly reminders are sent the day before an event at 2:00 p.m.
Our High Schoolers also have WhereHouse 2.0- a private Discord server to chat, share memes and ideas, and to get event notifications. For more information on how to join WhereHouse 2.0, please contact Valerie directly.
Contact Information
Director of Youth Ministry: Valerie Reyes
Office Telephone: (303) 690-6797 Ext. 338
E-mail: valerier@stmichael-aurora.org
Youth Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/stmichaelaurora.youthSMASH
Instagram: @wherehouse.aurora