
Elizabeth Harris, Staff Resource

Includes groups that give direction to the liturgical life of the parish, as well as foster and promote the spiritual growth of all parishioners, enabling them to understand their baptismal identity as Catholic Christians.  The Parish Worship Council plans all worship activities for the parish.  Ministries/groups included in this umbrella are:

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Boys and girls, age nine or older, and having received their First Eucharist may serve at Masses. There can be opportunities to assist at weddings or funerals.  Formation conducted twice yearly.

Contact:  Rita Pickering at rita.pickering@comcast.net or 303-690-9946

Art & Environment

Decorate and clean the church sanctuary and purchase and maintain floral arrangements.  Seamstresses, artists and talented people needed.

Art & Environment contact the Parish Office at 303-690-6797.

Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description

Choirs, Cantors, & Musicians

Provides voice and instrumental music at weekend Masses, confirmations, weddings, funerals, and special services during the year.  The Ministry includes cantors, choirs, including bell choir, and instruments such as piano, organ, guitar, flute, bass cello, and drums.

Contact Elizabeth Harris at music@stmichael-aurora.org or 303-690-6797

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Assist the presider in the distribution of the consecrated Body and Blood of Our Lord.  May minister to the homebound.  Formation conducted twice yearly.

Contact Rita Pickering at rita.pickering@comcast.net or 303-690-9946

Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description

Hispanic Liturgical

Proclaim the word of God in Holy Scripture to those gathering for the Hispanic Mass each Sunday at 2:30 p.m.

Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description

Contact: Laura Pack at Laura.estudillo.Pack@gmail.com or 720-447-8654

Ministers of Hospitality (Greeters)

Members are dedicated to representing the presence of Christ among us by welcoming people as they arrive for weekend Mass in a warm, caring, and friendly manner. By extending hospitality we are acting as Christ would want us to behave.

Contact Marcia Wikoff at marciawikoff@msn.com

Ministers of Proclamation (Lectors)

Lectors, through prayerful preparation, proclaim to the assembly of the people the Word of God in Holy Scripture.

Contact Rita Pickering at rita.pickering@comcast.net or 303-690-9946

Music Committee

Choir directors, cantor representatives, and instrumental representatives choose music for the liturgies.

Presenters of the Gifts

Individuals and families present the bread and wine as part of the Offertory at weekend Masses.

Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description

Contact:  The Parish Office at 303-690-6797

Sound Technicians

Operate the sound board, which controls the microphones, during Mass and at events held in the worship space.

Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description

Contact:  Ken at stmsoundbooth@gmail.com or (720) 778-1358.

Prayer Ministries


Exposition and Adoration, every “First Friday.

Contact the Parish Office for more information, or click here to visit our on line calendar.

Ambassadors of Mary

Originating at Fatima on the 30th anniversary (5/13/47) or Our Lady’s first Apparition there, blessed replicas of the official stature of Our Lady of Fatima symbolize Mary as Pilgrim to the homes of the faithful.  A “Guard of Honor” visits a home where the statue was placed the previous week and prays the Rosary with the host family.  The “Guard of Honor” then ritualistically moves the statue to the next host home.

Contact the Parish Office for more information at 303-690-6797.

Prayer Quilt (Prayers and Squares)

A prayer quilt ministry that is simple, yet powerful.  As a quilt is made for someone in need, a silent prayer is offered as each knot is tied.  The completed quilt is then given to the person in need.

Contact:  Jan Hallauer at 303-690-6797 or j.hallauer@comcast.net

Regina Maria

Meets every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. to pray the rosary and for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.  The group also sponsors First Friday Adoration and first Saturday Rosary.

Contact:  Perry Monkelein at 303-699-1073 or pdmonkelien@gmail.com


Its mission and ministry are to foster and promote vocations through prayer, awareness, affirmation and support.

Contact:  Lucy Kane at 303-671-3012 or lucykane4@yahoo.com