Fr. Felipe Colombo, Staff Resource
Includes the ministries of pastoral care, social services, peace and justice, and evangelization. Ministries/groups included under this umbrella:
Charity Stewardship
Do you know of a charity that our Parish should support? Father Felipe would love to hear from you! St. Michael’s Charity Stewardship distributes funds to charities throughout the year. Currently, St. Michael’s contributes 5% of offertory dollars to charitable organizations. Our desire is to support programs that are near and dear to our parishioners. To nominate a charity to receive funding, please fill out the donation request form using this link, or request a form from the Parish Office. Charity Stewardship reviews take place quarterly in January, April, July, and October, and applications should be submitted by the end of the prior month. Grants will be given after review and approval. Please note that charities must have missions that are in line with Catholic beliefs.
Personal requests for assistance should be directed to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (303-690-6797 x344).
Christian Service
Aurora Interfaith Community Services (AICS)
Collects food and non-perishable items brought to the church by parishioners the first weekend of each month. These goods are taken to the food and clothing bank run by AITF.
Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description
Contact: Judy Barrow at 303 690-1367 or jbarrow68@aol.com
Blood Drive
Schedules community blood drives and volunteer donations for Bonfils Blood Center.
Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description
Contact Ron Harms at Ronald.Harms54@gmail.com or 303-956-4081
Habitat Helpers
St. Michael’s volunteers work to support the construction of homes being built in association with Habitat of Metro Denver.
Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description
Contact Stephanie Morrissette at steph_morrissette1@yahoo.com or 303-981-1947
Knitting and Crocheting
Parishioners gather to knit and/or crochet items for multiple charitable organizations.
Contact: Donna Wallis at donnawallis@comcast.net
Relationship Ministry
Contact: Amber Perzinski at amber.perzinski@yahoo.com
Sandwich Makers
Make sandwiches three times each month for distribution at the Holy Ghost Sandwich Line in downtown Denver. Over a year’s time that is 34,320 sandwiches!
Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description
Contact Michele Soriano at mzsdesign@yahoo.com
St. Vincent de Paul
Assists a broad range of individuals and families within parish boundaries who may find themselves in need of rent, mortgage, utility, fuel and food assistance to get through financially difficult periods. The Society also has a growing eldercare program and provides some transportation. To view a description of their Ministry, click here.
Click here to make an electronic donation to SSVdP
Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description
For assistance, please call 303-690-6797 ext 344
To volunteer, contact Gary & Marion Trudell at 720-425-1773 or garytrudell1941@gmail.com
Pastoral Care Team
Funeral receptions
Provides assistance to bereaved families, coordinating the delivery and service of catered refreshments.
Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description
Contact the Parish Office, 303-690-6797
Sick and Homebound
Provide Mass or Communion Service at Cherry Creek Nursing Center, Cherry Creek Retirement Village, Beth Israel Shalom Park, Denver Hospice and St. Andrews Village.
Click here for the Ministry Responsibility Description
Contact the Parish office at 303-690-6797
Social Justice
Respect Life
Do you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to serve God’s people at every stage of life? Would you like to learn more about the church’s teachings on life matters? Do you want to help others understand God’s call to us? We are reviving the Respect Life Ministry here at St. Michael’s, and we need your help!
Contact Jenna at the Parish Office, 303-690-6797, or email communications@stmichael-aurora.org for more information.